Creating Bookish Mood-Boards // ft. my totally amateur attempts (part 1)

Hola!! Welcome back y’all! Hope you’re staying healthy and safe and finding ways to enjoy this quarantine/isolation.

Today, I’ll be sharing with you guys my attempts to make mood-boards.

Yes. Mood-boards. You know, those totally aesthetic and gorgeous boards that follow a certain theme and look so pretty and polished when made by other people? Yes, exactly. Those mood boards.

How did I even come up with the idea of trying to create one? How did it turn out?? What was my thought process that resulted in the below disasters???

Lol. Cause they are kind of disasters.

Continue reading to find out.

Continue reading “Creating Bookish Mood-Boards // ft. my totally amateur attempts (part 1)”

NCIS LA Book Tag | aka me doing a tag for a show I've never watched

Hola! Buenos días!! How are you guys? Hope you’re having a semi-fantastic week what with all the things going on in this wonderful world.

Today, I’m doing the NCIS LA book tag, which the wonderful and lovely Meeghan @ Meeghan Reads tagged me to do in December of last year. (at least it wasn’t november like i thought?) This is utterly horrible and I can’t believe that I slacked off on tags so much. But I’m finally doing this, so yay!!

I’ve actually kind of watched NCIS, because my grandmother I think used to watch it, so I’d catch bits and pieces here and there. But I’ve never watched a full episode, so I don’t think that really counts as watching.

Maybe this will increase my interest in it once again!

Check out the original creator Clo @ Cuppa Clo‘s blog, and thank you so much Meegs for tagging me!! Let’s get started!

Continue reading “NCIS LA Book Tag | aka me doing a tag for a show I've never watched”

Monthly Wrap-Up: December 2019

Good morning friends! I hope you’ve had a great start to the year. Today, I’ll be sharing with you my Monthly Wrap-Up for December 2019.

A lot of great things happened this month. I had my Winter break which I spent with family, I read a good number of books, and something exciting happened…more on that below. My blogging took a dip since I barely wrote anything the last few weeks of the month, but I’m still pretty happy with everything else in my life right now, so I’m not too upset about that.

I am still happy to get back into blogging full time and doing all the wrap-up posts that I should have done before.

Anyways, without further chit chat, let’s get started!


Covers are from Goodreads

My goal for the year was 100 books, but I read 98 which isn’t bad. I’m still proud of myself, especially because I read 13 books this month. And some of them were great. Others, not so much. I also didn’t do any reviews, and that’s something I plan on working on this month and through-out the rest of the year.

  • Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas – 3.5 | This was so so so much better than the first book, and we actually got to see Celaena in action. The disaster that happened in the second half was nerve-wracking and the final reveal was surprising. However, it all made sense and I can’t wait to see where the rest of the series goes. RTC
  • The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Choksi – 3.5 | It was good. Not spectacular like I had been hoping but still good. I liked the puzzles and the characters. However, the plot was meh, and I didn’t feel like I connected to the characters that much. Unofficial Review
  • The Lines We Cross by Randa Abdel-Fattah – 2.5 | It was meh. There wasn’t much Muslim rep like I’d been hoping. Mina was aggravating, Michael was just meh, and I honestly liked the side characters more than the MCs. The politics was interesting, but overall this book was just meh. RTC
  • Mistborn: The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson – 4 | This was really good. I loved the world, the Allomancy, and the explanation of how everything worked. The characters were all pretty interesting and I liked Vin, Kell, and Ham the most. The heist was unbelievable and that ending shocked me. I can see why many people love Sanderson’s books, but there were some things that annoyed me and weren’t done very well. Unofficial Review
  • Lock Every Door by Riley Sager – 3 | This had a lot of potential, but in some areas it fell flat. There wasn’t much of a mystery, but there was a lot of suspense and some thriller parts towards the end. I liked the atmosphere and how I could feel Jules’ terror, but I was disappointed that pretty much all my guesses and suspicions were correct. RTC
  • Capturing the Devil by Kerri Maniscalco – 2 | This book was a disaster. The ridiculous twists, and the reveal at the end made no sense at all, and I was so frustrated with Audrey Rose. Being in her head is painful, because she thinks the exact same thing a hundred different ways. I’m just so glad that this series is over. There were some good parts (Liza, Daci, and Illeana met and their friendship is amazing!!), but overall, this was still a disappointing finale to this series. Unofficial Review
  • The Late Show by Michael Connelly – 4 | Pretty good. I liked Renée and the mystery of who did it, as well as the rogue cop aspect. However, I wished that Renée had a partner who also played a major, present, role in the story. It was good, just not amazing. RTC (maybe..)
  • I Hate Weddings by P. J. Petersen – 2 | This was short, a little sweet, but also rather annoying. It was hilarious seeing all the things that went wrong, but I was also annoyed by the juvenile-ness of it as well as the decisions that Dan made.
  • Our House by Louise Candlish – 4 | This was great. I liked the alternating storylines, and the ending was super satisfactory. I didn’t like Fi much, but I understood her passion to protect her kids. Bram was the one I sympathized with the most, and I really hoped that he would be saved. It was really sad reading the story from his POV. RTC
  • The Lincoln Lawyer by Michael Connelly – 4 | It’s been a while since I read a legal thriller and I loved this. Mickey was ok, and I liked his relationship with both of his ex-wives, and the way that he made things right by the end. Again, it was good, but just not a 5 star. RTC (maybe..)
  • Ayesha At Last by Uzma Jalaluddin – 3 | There were some good parts. There were some bad parts. I liked Ayesha and Khalid somewhat, especially at the beginning, and the rep was also pretty good. The drama was hilarious. However, the ending completely went off the rails, and I hate how some things were resolved. RTC
  • The Queen of Nothing by Holly Black – 2 | I have no idea what happened to this book. It’s so short. It’s so tame. It’s so ridiculously unlike The Wicked King that I can’t believe they are from the same series. There’s no backstabbing political poison awesomeness. There’s not much epic spying or fighting. Sure the snake part happened and everything, but that’s it??? That’s ALL that happened??? And the ending. Wow. RTC
  • Standstill by Jack Probyn – N/A | I got this for review from Reedsy. The idea of the story was great, and it was somewhat thrilling, but there were too many errors, grammatically and with the plot/setting. The MC was really unlikable, and overall, it just wasn’t for me.
  • Blingsighted by Karin Slaughter – DNF | I read the first few chapters, and I just wasn’t pulled in to the story. My hold was also up, so I decided to DNF and maybe try and read it some other time.
  • Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo – DNF | I was bored. There is so much telling, and not so much interaction/dialogue, and I love dialogue. So I was bored. And then my hold was up and I let it go. Maybe I’ll try to read it some other time, but right now, I’m just disappointed.
Total Number of Books Read This Month: 13
Total Number of DNFs: 2


I’m still behind on tags, like usual, but I’d like to say thank you to everyone who has tagged me!! I’m working on getting them all done.

Fall Bucket List Book Tag  | The Real Neat Blog Award

Let’s Talk Bookish:

Content Warnings

How Do You Deal With Problematic Books


Writers of Diverse Books

Life & Blog Updates

So. For that awesome news that I was telling you about. I got into college. Aka, I am now a college student. Not fully, because it’s a program where I am in High School and in college at the same time, but still, I. am. taking. college. classes!!!!! Or well, I’ll be starting in a few weeks

I’m partly excited, and partly nervous, because hey, this is a lot. I’m a high school and college student now. It’s still weird saying that lol. Classes are going to start in a few weeks, and I’m still not sure how this is going to affect my blogging. It was a little hard to do everything before with just my high school classes, but now that I have extra, I might not have time to blog as regularly as I used to.

So yeah that was the awesome exciting news…

I’ve also been thinking about a new posting schedule:

  • Monday: Review
  • Wednesday: WWW
  • Friday: LTB
  • Sunday: Review
  • Tuesday: “Creative” post (such as wrap-ups/tbrs/”other” posts)
  • Thursday: Tag
  • Friday: LTB

And repeat. At the end of the month, I should have 4 reviews, 2 WWW Wednesday posts, 2 tags, 2 “creative posts”, and 4 LTB posts. I feel like those are still pretty good numbers. This is not definite, and it all depends on how much time I have. If I can still manage to post 4 or 5 times a week, I’ll try, but if not, that’s my tentative new posting schedule.

I said in my November Wrap-Up that I was going to do some more creative posts in December, and I did do some! I did my first Book Recommendation post, which you can check out here, and I also talked about my anticipated reads for 2019, and whether they lived up to my expectations or not (this may be more of a wrap-up post than a creative post, but still).

Once I’m done with all the wrap-up posts (2 or 3 more), I’m going to do another Book Recommendation post, and maybe try creating an original tag. I know, I’m very ambitious.

I’m also behind blogging-wise. Last week, I started my Winter break, and I spent it with my family so I didn’t blog as much, and I didn’t blog hop either. I managed to catch up on all my comments yesterday (I hope I got them all, and I’m sorry if I missed one!!), and through this weekend, I’ll be going back to catch up on all your awesome posts! I may or may not comment I’m behind on a lot guys…I don’t have a number, but it’s a lot, but I’ll definitely read them.

And yeah. I think that’s all the updates I have.

That’s A Wrap!

In the end, I read 13 books, did 0 reviews, 2 tags, 4 LTB posts, and 1 recommendation post. My goals for December were to read 14 books (at least 10), do 3 reviews, 4 or 5 tags, and 4 LTB posts. I only met my reading and LTB goals.

For this month, my goals are to read 12 books, do 2 more wrap-up posts, 1 book recommendation post, at least 4 LTB posts, 1 creative post, and maybe 1 or 2 book reviews.

Chat with me

That’s it for this wrap-up! How was December and 2019 in general for you? Did you meet any of of your goals for the year? What are your plans for 2020? Any tips for my new college self? Am I the only one who was disappointed by The Queen of Nothing? Chat with me in the comments below!!

Tag Thursday – Fall Bucket List Book Tag

Am I the only one who doesn’t really have a bucket list?

To be honest, I don’t think I have anything much that I want to specifically do in life before I die…besides read all the books in existence which is impossible. Sadly. Anyways, at least I can share with you a few books that you should probably add to your “read-before-I-die” bucket list. If you have such a list.

Many thanks to the lovely Caitlin @ Caitlin Althea for tagging me!! Definitely go check out her blog and her posts, because they are amazing and I promise that you will not be disappointed.


  • Link back to the original creator in your post. (Tiffany @ Read By Tiffany)
  • Feel free to use any of Tiffany’s graphics in your post, or create your own!
  • Tag 7 other people at the end of your post, and let them know you’ve tagged them. 

The Bookish Life of Nina Hill by Abbi Waxman

Ok, I wouldn’t suggest you add this to your “read-before-I-die” list. It’s pretty meh, but it is the kind of book that you read just for the sake of reading something funny and light.

I was left feeling disappointed by this. It was good, funny, and I really liked Clare, but that was pretty much it. I guess there are different types of introverts, but to me, Nina was a lot braver and more extroverted than me. And I felt like this book was trying ot cover too many subplots, without really doing one very well. There was so much potential with the family drama with her dad’s family that could have been explored more, or maybe it could have focused on the trivia aspect, or just done the bookshop disaster very well.

But it’s still a fun and lighthearted book. I would recommend you add this to your “read-for-some-laughs” list.

The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi

I think this one had a decent amount of hype. I’m pretty sure it did, and I just ignored it, until I heard that it was similar to Six of Crows, and that Séverin and Kaz could be friends and I added it to my TBR without a second thought. Okay, I did check out the synopsis and stuff first, but still…

This was good. Not a spectacular-took-my-breath-away kind of good, but a I-loved-the-riddles-and-some-of-the-characters kind of good. Hypnos, Zofia, and Enrique were my favorite characters, and I loved the relationships between all of them. The riddles were super interesting, but the heists themselves weren’t really amazing. Basically, this book was good, but could have been much better.

The Fixer by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Now this is a book that you need to add to your “read-before-I-die” list. I will never stop screaming about how amazing this book is, because it is truly amazing.

The friendships between Tess and Vivvie, and Asher and Henry are amazing, and I love how there is no possible hint of a romance between any of them. It’s all absolutely platonic, and sweet. Asher is the annoying mischievous guy who cares about everyone, Vivvie is a precious ray of sunshine and happiness, and Tess and Henry are the serious and threatening geniuses who do everything to protect everyone close to them.

I loved it the first time I read it, I loved it again when I first re-read it, and I loved it a third time when I did my 2nd re-read. This book is amazing you guys, and I plan on writing a better review than what last-year-me wrote, but in the meanwhile, I highly suggest you add it to your TBR!! If you go read it right now, that’s even better!!! But I won’t push it

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

This book didn’t just warm my heart. It broke it.

The story of Liesel, Max, Papa, Mama, Rudy, oh that saukerl Rudy, was one that brought a huge smile to my face. Because even though Liesel and her family they are in the middle of a war, even though they are trying to hide the fact that they don’t support the Fuhrer, even though they are hiding a Jew in their basement, they still lived and they were still happy at times.

As the story progressed, and Liesel got older and joined Rudy on all his mischievous adventures, I tried to hope that nothing bad would happen, that the war didn’t exist. Mama and her insults, Papa and his accordion, Max and his stories, Liesel and her books, Rudy and his shenanigans, they all made this book into a nice warm hug that I didn’t want to end or break.

And then that ending happened. This book filled my heart with these beautiful stories and people, and then it ended by shattering everything.

With the Fire on High by Elizabeth Acevedo

Emoni is defintiely a talented chef, and I loved reading about her and her family, and the culinary arts class at her school. The relationships between her and Buela, Babygirl, Angelica, and Malachi was super sweet and I really liked how she narrated the story.

Emoni didn’t make food that just tasted or looked amazing. She made food that brought back memories, that told a story, that went into your soul and brought out all your feelings. I loved her creativity, and the fire that she used to prepare everything she made.

Little White Lies by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Honestly, I wasn’t really jumping for joy, figuratively or really, about this, or about any book in general, but I do remember that I was seriously excited to hear that JLB was publishing a new series last year. And that’s how I read Little White Lies.

To be perfectly honest, I don’t remember what happened in this book at all. But I gave it 4 stars, so hopefully it was some good. The next book in the series was actually published last month, and since it’s JLB, I want to read it, but I’ll probably have to re-read Little White Lies first so that I know what’s going on.


Meeghan @ Meeghan Reads | Aimee @ My Addiction to Fiction

Jane @ Blogger Books | Evelyn @ Evelyn Reads | Octavia @ Mythical Reads

Nikki @ The Night is Dark and Full of Books | Aelyn @ Aelyn Reads

Chat with me

That’s it for this Thursday! Have you read any of these books? What did you think? Do you have a bucket list? What are some books that you think I need to read right away? Chat with me in the comments below!!

Monthly TBR: December 2019

Good morning! Welcome back to another post, dear friends. Today, I’m going to be sharing with you my TBR for December, including the books that I’ve already read so far this month.

Last month, I had a TBR of 13 books, and I only read 8, which was kind of disappointing. But, I still think it helps me to have an idea of the books that I’m going to read, so I’m going to continue having a TBR. If I plan on reaching my GR goal, hopefully I’ll read 12 more books this month.

Let’s get started.

Already Read

  • Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas. (Read: Dec. 1) This was so so so much better than the first book, and we actually got to see Celaena in action. The disaster that happened in the second half was nervewracking and the final reveal was surprising. However, it all made sense and I can’t wait to see where the rest of the series goes.
  • The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi. (Read Dec. 3) I really liked it, but the ending just left me feeling kind of disappointed? I’m not sure why, but it just didn’t feel right. I can defintiely see why it’s compared to Six of Crows, and while there are several similarities, both books are still different and unique in their own way. The characters were pretty great (Zofia, Enrique, and Hypnos were my favorite), the heists were okay, but the puzzles were amazing. That very last twist at the end though completely surprised me.
  • The Lines We Cross by Randa Abdel-Fattah. (Read Dec. 6) This was okay. I’m really disappointed, because the Muslim rep is pretty much non-existent. Mina was aggravating, Michael was meh, the politics were interesting, and I loved Paula, Nathan, Mum and Baba. But overall this book was just meh and very disappointing.

Currently Reading

  • Hungry Hearts. This is so far pretty good, but my two favorite stories are Moments to Return, and Kings and Queens. I loved all the food description in MTR and I really related to the MC’s fear of death, because I sometimes have moments where it terrifies me too. K&Q was really interesting and I would really love a full length novel about it. However, my hold is almost up for this, so I might have to wait to finish the rest of the book.
  • The Final Empire. I’m just a few chapters in, but I like Vin, Kell strikes me as a hot-headed genius, and I wish Camon would disappear off the face of the Earth 🙂

Library Borrows/Holds

I’m kind of tired of YA and Fantasy books right now, so I want to go back to reading more thrillers and mystery novels. However, I’ve already borrowed some fantasy books, so I’m still going to finish reading those.

  • Our House by Louise Candlish. On Hold, E-book

Chat with me

That’s it guys! This is going to double as my weekly reading update as well, so I’d love to hear what you are reading! Have you read any of the books above? Did The Gilded Wolves leave you feeling vaguely disappointed? What are some of your favorite thrillers? Chat with me in the comments below, and don’t forget to share your WWW posts so I can check them out!!