The Mid Year Book Freak Out Tag // basically a really long post where I talk about great books

Hey y’all!! Welcome back. Today, you get to torture treat yourself to this wonderfully long post talking about the awesome books that I’ve read so far this year.

You’ll also finally be getting an idea of what I’ve been reading since May. I think I’m just going to wait until my Monthly Wrap-Up for June to talk about every book since then, but a couple of the ones I mentioned are ones that I’ve read recently.

This post is kind of long, so, let’s get right into this! I wasn’t actually tagged for the Mid Year Freak Out, but everyone’s doing it, so I’m hopping on the bandwagon and doing it too.

Continue reading “The Mid Year Book Freak Out Tag // basically a really long post where I talk about great books”

Tag Thursday – The Real Neat Blog Award

I’m a very neat person. Well, most of the times.

You see, I try to keep my desk and room clean a good 95% of the time, but you know, it gets messy, and it takes time, and then sometimes I don’t really care have time. However the award could actually mean real neat, as in real cool?? In that case, I don’t know. I think I am kind of cool…

Anyways, thank you so much to Diana @ Fortunately, the Book for nominating me! Be sure to check out her lovely blog!!

P.S. I know it’s not Thursday, but let’s pretend it is 😉


  • Display the Award Logo.
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and post a link to their blog.
  • Answer the questions of the one who nominated you.
  • Nominate some bloggers.
  • Ask them seven questions.

What’s the best book you’ve read in 2019 so far?

Hmm. Tough question. I’ve read a lot of amazing books this year. Some have stuck out more than others, but I can’t honestly say that one of them was the best of the best, because they are all equally amazing for different reasons. One book that really had an effect on me though was The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. This was just so beautiful, and sad, and heartbreakingly painful. I can’t believe that I didn’t want to read this before, because it’s a story that has stuck with me, and I love it so very much.

What is one thing you wish to accomplish before the end of 2019?

My GoodReads goal!! I’m getting there. But there are only what, 10 days left of the month, and I’ve still got 8 books to go!! I think I should just borrow some novellas to help me finish, because at the rate that I’m going with full novels, I’m not going to make it. Please share your novella recommendations in the comments!!

If you celebrate/enjoy Christmas, what’s your favorite Christmas song?

I don’t celebrate Christmas, so I don’t have a favorite song 🙂

What book you wish to receive this Christmas?

Well, as I said above, I don’t celebrate Christmas, but a book I would love to have is The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater. The cover is just so so BEAUTIFUL, and I love it. Honestly, even if I don’t ever re-read it, I still want a physical copy just to stare at and admire.

If you can change one thing about your blog (graphic, title, etc…) what will it be?

Honestly. I’d probably change the whole thing. Title, design, graphics, everything. I really like what I have right now, but sometimes, I wish I had a simple black/gray and white theme so that I could do whatever I wanted. Since I’m stuck with a green-vine-pink flower theme, I feel like I can’t really design photos and posts however I like? I have to keep it in line with what I already have.

But if I changed only one thing right now, it’d probably be the graphics/background.

What are your relations with social networks like Facebook or Instagram?

Lol. I don’t have anything. Just my blog, and GoodReads, and Reedsy. If they can be considered social networks. Which they kind of are I guess.

Favorite hot beverage to drink during winter?

Well, I don’t really drink something specific during any of the seasons. I just drink something. I really like Black tea, with a splash of milk and some sugar. It just tastes so. so. good. If I’m having any hot drinks, that would be it.


Meeghan @ Meeghan Reads | Aelyn @ Aelyn Reads | Evelyn @ Evelyn Reads | Aimee @ My Addiction to Fiction | Aria @ Book Nook Bits | Jane @ Blogger Books | Amelia @ Unchaptered | Alexia @ Right Writing Words

My Questions:

  1. Did you meet any authors this year? If so, which ones?
  2. What were your top 3 books this year?
  3. What’s your most anticipated book for 2020?
  4. Coffee or Tea?
  5. Which underrated book do you love?
  6. What would be your perfect night?
  7. Choose a random question that you’d like to answer.

That’s it friends! Until next time:

Tag Thursday – Fall Bucket List Book Tag

Am I the only one who doesn’t really have a bucket list?

To be honest, I don’t think I have anything much that I want to specifically do in life before I die…besides read all the books in existence which is impossible. Sadly. Anyways, at least I can share with you a few books that you should probably add to your “read-before-I-die” bucket list. If you have such a list.

Many thanks to the lovely Caitlin @ Caitlin Althea for tagging me!! Definitely go check out her blog and her posts, because they are amazing and I promise that you will not be disappointed.


  • Link back to the original creator in your post. (Tiffany @ Read By Tiffany)
  • Feel free to use any of Tiffany’s graphics in your post, or create your own!
  • Tag 7 other people at the end of your post, and let them know you’ve tagged them. 

The Bookish Life of Nina Hill by Abbi Waxman

Ok, I wouldn’t suggest you add this to your “read-before-I-die” list. It’s pretty meh, but it is the kind of book that you read just for the sake of reading something funny and light.

I was left feeling disappointed by this. It was good, funny, and I really liked Clare, but that was pretty much it. I guess there are different types of introverts, but to me, Nina was a lot braver and more extroverted than me. And I felt like this book was trying ot cover too many subplots, without really doing one very well. There was so much potential with the family drama with her dad’s family that could have been explored more, or maybe it could have focused on the trivia aspect, or just done the bookshop disaster very well.

But it’s still a fun and lighthearted book. I would recommend you add this to your “read-for-some-laughs” list.

The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi

I think this one had a decent amount of hype. I’m pretty sure it did, and I just ignored it, until I heard that it was similar to Six of Crows, and that Séverin and Kaz could be friends and I added it to my TBR without a second thought. Okay, I did check out the synopsis and stuff first, but still…

This was good. Not a spectacular-took-my-breath-away kind of good, but a I-loved-the-riddles-and-some-of-the-characters kind of good. Hypnos, Zofia, and Enrique were my favorite characters, and I loved the relationships between all of them. The riddles were super interesting, but the heists themselves weren’t really amazing. Basically, this book was good, but could have been much better.

The Fixer by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Now this is a book that you need to add to your “read-before-I-die” list. I will never stop screaming about how amazing this book is, because it is truly amazing.

The friendships between Tess and Vivvie, and Asher and Henry are amazing, and I love how there is no possible hint of a romance between any of them. It’s all absolutely platonic, and sweet. Asher is the annoying mischievous guy who cares about everyone, Vivvie is a precious ray of sunshine and happiness, and Tess and Henry are the serious and threatening geniuses who do everything to protect everyone close to them.

I loved it the first time I read it, I loved it again when I first re-read it, and I loved it a third time when I did my 2nd re-read. This book is amazing you guys, and I plan on writing a better review than what last-year-me wrote, but in the meanwhile, I highly suggest you add it to your TBR!! If you go read it right now, that’s even better!!! But I won’t push it

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

This book didn’t just warm my heart. It broke it.

The story of Liesel, Max, Papa, Mama, Rudy, oh that saukerl Rudy, was one that brought a huge smile to my face. Because even though Liesel and her family they are in the middle of a war, even though they are trying to hide the fact that they don’t support the Fuhrer, even though they are hiding a Jew in their basement, they still lived and they were still happy at times.

As the story progressed, and Liesel got older and joined Rudy on all his mischievous adventures, I tried to hope that nothing bad would happen, that the war didn’t exist. Mama and her insults, Papa and his accordion, Max and his stories, Liesel and her books, Rudy and his shenanigans, they all made this book into a nice warm hug that I didn’t want to end or break.

And then that ending happened. This book filled my heart with these beautiful stories and people, and then it ended by shattering everything.

With the Fire on High by Elizabeth Acevedo

Emoni is defintiely a talented chef, and I loved reading about her and her family, and the culinary arts class at her school. The relationships between her and Buela, Babygirl, Angelica, and Malachi was super sweet and I really liked how she narrated the story.

Emoni didn’t make food that just tasted or looked amazing. She made food that brought back memories, that told a story, that went into your soul and brought out all your feelings. I loved her creativity, and the fire that she used to prepare everything she made.

Little White Lies by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Honestly, I wasn’t really jumping for joy, figuratively or really, about this, or about any book in general, but I do remember that I was seriously excited to hear that JLB was publishing a new series last year. And that’s how I read Little White Lies.

To be perfectly honest, I don’t remember what happened in this book at all. But I gave it 4 stars, so hopefully it was some good. The next book in the series was actually published last month, and since it’s JLB, I want to read it, but I’ll probably have to re-read Little White Lies first so that I know what’s going on.


Meeghan @ Meeghan Reads | Aimee @ My Addiction to Fiction

Jane @ Blogger Books | Evelyn @ Evelyn Reads | Octavia @ Mythical Reads

Nikki @ The Night is Dark and Full of Books | Aelyn @ Aelyn Reads

Chat with me

That’s it for this Thursday! Have you read any of these books? What did you think? Do you have a bucket list? What are some books that you think I need to read right away? Chat with me in the comments below!!

Tag Thursday – Blogger Recognition Award

Hey everyone! Welcome back. I hope you’re having a great day. Today I’m going to be doing the Blogger Recognition Award. Many thanks to Emer @ A Little Haze Book Blog for tagging/nominating me!


  1. Thank the blogger/s who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  2. Write a post to show your award.
  3. Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  4. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
  5. Select up to 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to.
  6. Comment (or pingback) on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide the link to the post you created.

How Eternity Books Was Created:

Last year December can you believe that it’s been almost a year?!!!, I decided to put my love of books and writing to use and create a blog where I could talk about them to my hearts content. I had just discovered book blogs and GoodReads the month before, and I also wanted to have my own creative space to do whatever I wanted.

To talk books with people who loved books.

To find new books instead of reading the same old Nancy Drew.

To make friends since I didn’t have any IRL.

I was lonely. Bored.

And having a blog seemed like an excellent way to change that. Actually, it was an excellent way to change that. Now, I have a community of readers, blogger and GR friends, a never ending TBR list, and a place that is all mine that makes me feel happy, (sometimes stressed), understood, and also accepted for who I am.

So thank you so much to everybody who has welcomed me into this beautiful community, recommended and talked books as well as discussed topics with me, and also to everyone who has been following this blog. You all made being a blogger such a fun escape, and I am forever grateful to every single one of you 💚

Two Pieces of Advice:

If you’d like to see more than just two pieces of advice, and not just from me but also from other bloggers, check out my LTB post with advice for newbie bloggers!

#1: Blog for the right reasons

More than likely, you started your blog as a way to relax and have fun. So blog to relax and have fun. Don’t make it a chore that becomes super stressful for you, and don’t be too hard on yourself about anything. We’re all human, and trust me, we all understand. Stuff happens, life happens, and at some point, we’ve all probably been in your shoes. So don’t beat yourself up too much, and remember to blog for the right reasons.

#2: Reach out

I promise, we don’t bite. If there is anything you need help with, or a question that you’d like to ask, or maybe you just want to thank someone for something, don’t be afraid to do so. The book blogging community is super welcoming, and we love to chat. As long as you’re nice and polite, you are probably going to get an equally amazing response.


Jane @ Blogger Books | Donna’s Reading Chair | Caitlin @ Caitlin Althea | Aimee @ My Addiction to Fiction | Veronika @ Wordy and Whimsical | YOU

As always, no pressure if you don’t want to do the tag, and if you’d like to do the tag and I haven’t tagged you, go right ahead! Be sure to link back here so I can see your post 🙂

Spicy Pumpkin Latte Book Tag | Bookending Autumn 2019

Hello, and how are you? I hope your week has been great so far! Today, I’ll be sharing with you my last #BEAutumn2019 post. You can learn more about BE Autumn, see the rules and the rest of October’s topics, and sign up over on Sam’s page @ Sam Fictionally.

You can also follow them @bookend_events for more updates!!

Today, I’m going to be doing the Spicy Pumpkin Latte Tag hosted by the amazing Meeghan @ Meeghan Reads.

Spicy Pumpkin Latte Book Tag: Autumn is when the beverage names at the local coffee shop start to look more like a harvest produce list than anything from a drinks menu. What better way to celebrate this oddity than to do an autumnal drinks book tag?!

I’ve never had a latte, or coffee for that matter, or any of the drinks listed below. I’m more of a black tea, juice, soda, or water kind of girl. But this still sounds super fun, so let’s get started!!

Pumpkin Spice Latte: A book you didn’t think you’d love

My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows.

I really did not expect to love this as much as I did. When I read it, I wasn’t really a big fan of fantasy, however I loved it. The humor, the plot, the fantasy/paranormal aspects, it was all so awesome.

I loved, G, Jane, Edward (especially Edward), and all the other various characters. They were all hilarious and I love how the authors based it on history, and then changed it in such an amazing way! Humor + historical fiction (based on history) + fantasy = awesomeness!!!

Hot Apple Cider: A book that got you a bit hot under the collar

A Spy in the House (The Agency Series) by Y. S. Lee

This isn’t really much? But it does get a little bit more…passionate in the later books 🙂

Anyways, this still has an awesome plot, and it’s set in the Victorian Era. It’s a great series. and I love Mary and her fierceness. She’s also a new and interesting character who is different and considered inferior in her time. She’s a pretty great detective and is really determined and brave.

The mysteries are pretty great, and I finished the whole series pretty quickly. Oh, and James is an absolute darling 💖 Absolutely, annoyingly, handsomely, a bit over protective, but also super kind, and definitely a perfect darling.

Peanut Butter Hot Chocolate: A book that felt like a warm hug

With the Fire on High by Elizabeth Acevedo

I really loved this book for its representation, the great characters, the food, and the writing style. It was super heartwarming to read about Emoni’s struggles, how she overcame them, her family (Buela and Babygirl are the sweetest), and her awesome friends, especially Angelica.

I also really loved the way the book was written-it felt like I was in Emoni’s head and reading her words, not just being told a story in a more formal way. And let’s not forget the amazing food in this book. There are no words to describe the deliciousness of it all. It made me want to fly into the kitchen and whip up a mess lol.

Maple Pecan Latte: A book you enjoyed that was hard to get into

Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens

It took me 19 days to finally get past the first 10%. It was slow. Like, really slow. The murder mystery is interesting, Kya’s life is interesting, the back story is interesting but wow, it is so so slow, and it was until around the last third-ish of the book that the pace began to pick up.

However, I still gave it 4 stars because this is supposed to be a slow read, that is heavy on the description of the Marsh, and of Kya’s life before the murder. The murder mystery was a pretty small aspect of the book compared to the rest of it. But I still enjoyed it. I pushed myself to finish it (and I did skim some of the description), and I’m pretty glad that I did, because I eventually liked Kya and all her friends, and it saved me from DNFing. The only reason that I picked it up, was because of the mystery and the odd characters, so it was disappointing to see that it wasn’t a major part of the story, but I ended up liking the characters and the coming-of-age aspect much more instead.

London Fog: A vanilla character

Nobody by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

This was such a disappointing book. Absolutely disappointing. I hated Claire. I hated Nix. The idea of the story was okay, but the execution was horrible. This was more like a horrible Disney princess movie with a dark boy who falls in love with a girl who has never been noticed. And this girl is the most annoying character ever.

As soon as Claire meets Nix, she falls in love with him because he’s the only one who has noticed her. Hello? He noticed you because he was supposed to kill you. But obviously that’s just a technicality that doesn’t matter. And then after that, all Claire can think about is her darling Nix, and her new super powers… It’s just a horrible book, and Claire is annoying and intolerable.

Hot Buttered Rum: A book that was velvety smooth to read

Palace of Spies by Sarah Zettel

I don’t think this is really velvety smooth? But it’s an easy espionage story and I liked it. Nothing super amazing, but good enough that I’ve continued on with the series.

The ending does get intense, and the court drama and intrigue is very interesting, but I also feel like it was just meh, nothing super remarkable, but pretty nice to read. I don’t really like Peggy, I wish Olivia had a bigger role from the first book (she’d make a great spy), and the drama with Sophy Howe is maybe a bit much, but it’s also kind of hilarious to read.

Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew: A character whose temperament is icy cold

The Great Lady Sarnai from Spin the Dawn by Elizabeth Lim

She’s cruel. Unbelievably so. It’s kind of interesting, while terrifying to read about at the same time. She has no sympathy or feelings for anyone (besides the guy she loved and whom she now can’t marry) and she terrorizes everyone wherever she goes.

But she’s also sad, lonely, being used as a peace pawn, and her way of life being discarded so that she can become a woman she doesn’t want to be. So it’s also kind of understandable. But then, her heart is obviously made of ice, because there was a certain point in the book where I though she might change, but instead she was absolutely brutal.

Salted Caramel Mocha: A book that you’re salty about

Escaping From Houdini by Kerri Maniscalco

This book was a mess. An utter mess. Audrey Rose completely went off the rails in this one. She stopped trusting our dearest Cresswell, and trusted a self-confessed liar and con man. Think about that for a minute. Cresswell who has been with her through hell and back, Cresswell who’s never attempted to cage her, and has always respected and admired her, Cresswell who would probably walk across a volcano barefoot to save her life, was deemed not trustworthy enough to keep/properly react to the secret Audrey Rose was trying to keep with a LIAR.

This makes no sense, and honestly, if you want to read the full rant head right over here, because the above is only part of the tragedy that is this book. It’s definitely the most disappointing book from the series so far.

Honey Bee Latte: A character who is sweet

Jude from The Lovely and the Lost by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

To be honest, JLB always manages to write amazing characters, the serious ones, the destructive/rule breaker ones, and the sweet-bring-a-smile-to-your-face kind of ones.

Jude is the latter. He is eternally optimistic and he always finds the good or bright side of things. I also love him because he was there for Kira, always supported her, and diffused situations spectacularly. He’s just a super sweet warm bun who cares more about others and about their feelings than for his own. And he forgives so easily and never holds a grudge against anyone.

Gingerbread Latte: A character you’d take home for Christmas

I have no idea? I don’t celebrate Christmas, and honestly, I’m not sure if I want to bring any character home for any celebration because it would probably end up in a disaster. An absolute disaster. It’s either they are super fun but destructive, or they are the kind to just sit there glowering and being absolutely unreasonable (and possibly the ones who someone might decide to pick a fight with, and then I have to make sure they don’t end up dead). Neither is a very good option for a party…


Caitlin @ Caitlin Althea | Kat @ Novels and Waffles | Evelyn @ Evelyn Reads | Jane @ Blogger Books | Charlotte @ Bewitching Books, Ravenous Reads

*P.S. No pressure if you don’t want to do the tag!!

This was so much fun to do, and if you’d like to do the tag, go right ahead! Be sure to link back so I can see your answers as well!! See you guys tomorrow!