Book Review – The Scorpio Races + November Cakes!!

Hi friends! Welcome back to my first book review since April. Honestly, I’ve pretty much forgotten how to write reviews, and I’ve kind of forgotten how I felt when I first finished reading this book, but here we are. I’m so glad I started taking notes of what I liked and didn’t, otherwise, I probably would never have been able to write this.

Anyway, here I am today with my review of The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater, including some pictures and thoughts on her November Cakes recipe. I’m super excited, so let’s jump right in!

Continue reading “Book Review – The Scorpio Races + November Cakes!!”

Let’s Talk Bookish – Food That Reminds You of Books

Good morning!! Welcome back to Let’s talk Bookish my friends! Let’s Talk Bookish is a weekly meme, hosted by me @ Eternity Books & Dani @ Literary Lion, where we discuss certain topics, share our opinions, and spread the love by visiting each other’s posts.

Today’s topic is: Food That Reminds You of Certain Books (suggested by Lydia @ Lydia Schoch)

Many thanks to Lydia for suggesting this topic!! I’m super excited because you all know I love food and desserts, so talking about them with books is just amazing!

Continue reading “Let’s Talk Bookish – Food That Reminds You of Books”

The Sunshine Blogger Award #3

Hey everybody!! Today I’m going to be doing the Sunshine Blogger Award for the 3rd time! Thank you so much to Charlotte @ Bewitching Books, Ravenous Reads for tagging me!!

Charlotte tagged me in December of last year, and it’s April of this year, and I know that I’m a mess, and I’m working on that. Honestly, I kind of miss doing tags, because they are so easy, kind of generic, and they’re fun ways to engage with the blogging community. I don’t know why I stopped them before.

Anyways, this is my third Sunshine Award and I’m really touched that I’ve been tagged for it 3 times! Thank you guys so much!! You can see my previous one’s here and here.

Let’s get started!

Continue reading “The Sunshine Blogger Award #3”

End of Year Book Survey + Reading Wrap-Up | 2019 Edition

Hey guys and welcome back! Today is the 7th day of 2020 and life is finally getting back to normal. Yesterday was the first day of school again, and to be honest, I kind of missed having classes and assignments. I know. I can barely believe that I even thought that myself. But of course, when assignments properly start, I’m going to be wishing for another break once again.

Anyways, today I’m going to be wrapping up my 2019 reading year.

To help wrap up my past reading year, I’ve decided to do Jamie’s End of Year Survey with a twist. Instead of answering all her questions (46!!), I’m going to pick a handful to answer, and also do a wrap-up my way. Initially, I was going to do 2 different posts, one with the survey and the other with my wrap-up, but that’s going to be repetitive, so I’ll be combining both.

(This is the 10th year that Jamie @ The Perpetual Page Turner has hosted this tag, so if you’d like to do it, head right over to her lovely blog to see all the prompts and questions!)

This is probably going to be rather long, so without further ado, let’s get started!!!

2019 Reading Stats

Number of Books Read: 98

Number of Re-Reads: 3

Genre You Read the Most From: Mystery/Thriller/Suspense

I didn’t make it to 100 books. But that’s okay. Because I got to 98, which is still a pretty good number and I’m really proud of myself for making it that far.

The re-reads were The Fixer and The Long Game, both by Jennifer Lynn Barnes, and Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy by Ally Carter. The first two were great, and I loved re-reading them. The third one was a little cringey, and I can see why it appealed to a Younger Rukky, but it was not for Current Me.

Lol, no surprise. Mystery/Thriller/Suspense was by far the genre that I read the most from, with Fantasy coming in second, and Contemporary in third.

I made a little pie chart to break down my reading even further, and I’m so relieved that it turned out looking okay.

if it’s a little fuzzy, I apologize!

I also did another chart showing my year in books by rating, so here you go:

I like how most of my books were 4 or 3 stars. The books were either mediocre or pretty good, just not super great, and I’m happy with that. I think it also shows that I’ve figured out what books work for me, and what don’t, and so hopefully next year, this will have much less 2 or 1 star books.

I did have a couple of DNFs (Did-Not-Finish), and most of them, I plan on trying to re-read another time, while some I absolutely did not like.

For Blanca and Roja, Ninth House, and Blindsighted, I don’t think i was in the right mood when I picked them up, so I was really bored and impatient with them. These are the ones I plan on picking up some other time.

Marshall Law just wasn’t for me. I got it for review from Reedsy, but I didn’t like it and never finished it.

Captive Witness was disappointing, because I loved Nancy Drew once upon a time, and when I picked this up, I couldn’t get over how old fashioned it was. I was cringing so much, and decided to stop so that I wouldn’t ruin all my great memories of reading all the various series.

The Perfect Husband was a nightmare. I am so done with that book. Usually, when there is extra stuff going in books, especially in thrillers and mysteries, I just skim past and move on. But this book had stuff in pretty much. Every. Single. Chapter. I can’t believe I got to 74%. SEVENTY-FOUR, guys. And you’d think that they don’t have time for any of this extra drama, and so called “romance” when the MC is being hunted by a pure 100% psychopath. But no, they can’t stop their “love” for five seconds.

So yeah. 3 of them, I might try later, 2 of them were just not for me, and 1 of them was a true nightmare. But I’m still pretty glad that I only had 6 DNFs the entire year.

Best in Books

Best Books Read in 2019:


  • Hell’s Corner by David Baldacci
    • This was more of a political thriller, but I still loved the mystery of who was behind the attack. I’m also a huge fan of any book with “secret agents” and Mary and Stone were amazing and made me love the story even more.


  • I Found You by Lisa Gardner
    • It was interesting being told what happened to Frank in bits and pieces, and what brought him to that beach. There was so much suspense, as things were slowly revealed and I liked that. The book wasn’t perfect in other aspects, but the suspense was really great.


  • No Exit by Taylor Adams
    • This is a master thriller. It was honestly the first time that I’d been truly petrified and nervous, and anxious about how things would end in a book. It was a little over the top, and would probably be better as a movie than a book, but I still thoroughly enjoyed it.


  • Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
    • I loved this. I loved the characters. I loved Kaz’s cunning ruthless and brutal, I loved Inej, Jes, Wylan, Nina and Matthias, I loved everything about it. Well, it was slow until the heist at the end, but I liked the build-up and relationships between the characters, and how we got to know them so well. This is honestly my top fantasy book of 2019.
  • The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson
    • This is a fantasy that I loved because of it’s worldbuilding. The way Allomancy was described, the way the Empires and cities felt so real that I could literally picture everything happening clearly, that was amazing. I loved the heist, and was shocked at how things turned out, but what I loved the most about this was how real, and possible, and well-thought out the world and Allomancy was.
  • The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stievfater
    • I got a recipe for November Cakes. That’s honestly enough to bribe me into loving this book. But really though, I sincerely enjoyed the story. The happiness, calm, and peace that came after I finished reading it. The deadly but utterly beautiful horses. Puck and Sean fighting for what they want, what they love. It was really beautiful, and I’m so glad that Meegs pushed me to read this.


  • A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman
    • He’s grumpy. He’s strict. He’s mean. But underneath that tough exterior, Ove is hurting. And this book is about what caused it, and what happens when a new bustling family, with a fiery and delightful mother, moves in next door. I loved this because of the characters, and because the found family relationship that all the neighbors built with one another. Ove is also really endearing, and it was heartbreaking reading about everything that went wrong in his life. Even if it was fictional. This book made me so happy, because Ove learned to live and love again.

Historical Fiction:

  • The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
    • I may have loved this solely because the ending shattered my heart. But I’m also a big fan of coming-of-age novels, and this is one of them. At first, I didn’t like many of the characters, and I was a little annoyed, and maybe bored. But as the story continued, and the years passed, and the war dragged on, I began to feel for all these characters. I began to understand them, love them. And when that ending came, even though I knew, even though I’d been warned, it still shattered me when that happened. It’s a book that made me laugh, made me smile, made me cry. And I don’t think a book has ever done all three to me.
  • The Downstairs Girl by Stacey Lee
    • This was a great book about a woman fighting society’s sexist and racist views through a newspaper column in 19th century Georgia (aka the 1800s). Jo was a great main character, and I loved Old Gin, Noemi, and Nathan so much. She’s brave, she’s fierce, and she was risking so much to write her Miss. Sweetie column and using it to inspire change in her community. This was one my most anticipated books this year, and it did not disappoint.

Best series you started in 2019?

Honestly, it was Mistborn: The Final Empire, but to pick a different book, I’m going to go with the Shades of Magic trilogy.

I’ve already read the first book, A Darker Shade of Magic, and even though it was slow in the beginning, I loved the magic and the world, and I can’t wait to read the second book.

Best Sequel of 2019?

Vengeful by V.E. Schwab. This was such an awesome sequel, and I loved the new villains, as well as Victor’s search for a cure. The ending was really great, but I hope that there is still a 3rd book! Mitch, Syd, and Victor were so sweet together, and honestly, this book was just perfect.

Best Series Ender of 2019?

Nope, none. The only Series Ender I read in 2019 was The Queen of Nothing, and that was most definitely one of the worst I’ve ever read. I’m just really disappointed and salty about it.

Favorite new author you discovered in 2019?

My new top three authors that I discovered in 2019 are:

Maggie Stiefvater (The Scorpio Races), V.E. Schwab (Vicious), and Brandon Sanderson (The Final Empire).

Favorite cover of a book you read in 2019?

It’s a tie. I can’t pick one over the other! Both covers are just so beautifully gorgeous.

 Book you can’t believe you waited UNTIL 2019 to finally read? 

One of Us is Lying by Karen M. McManus. I’d seen it in my library a lot, and I can’t believe that I never picked it up until earlier this last year. It was one of the first YA mysteries that I read, and I really loved it.

Shortest & Longest Book You Read In 2019?

This post is already over 1,500 words long, so I’m going to stop here. I think I’ve covered all the major questions, and if you’d like to see all the books I read last year, check out my 2019 Year in Books on GoodReads. I’ll probably be doing a Blog/Life Wrap-Up next, and I may do a Most Disappointing Books of 2019. Not sure yet, but keep an eye out for another wrap-up!

Chat with me

That’s it for this post! What was your favorite book of 2019? Have you read any of the ones mentioned above? What did you think? How many books did you read in 2019? Chat with me in the comments below!

Tag Thursday – The Real Neat Blog Award

I’m a very neat person. Well, most of the times.

You see, I try to keep my desk and room clean a good 95% of the time, but you know, it gets messy, and it takes time, and then sometimes I don’t really care have time. However the award could actually mean real neat, as in real cool?? In that case, I don’t know. I think I am kind of cool…

Anyways, thank you so much to Diana @ Fortunately, the Book for nominating me! Be sure to check out her lovely blog!!

P.S. I know it’s not Thursday, but let’s pretend it is 😉


  • Display the Award Logo.
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and post a link to their blog.
  • Answer the questions of the one who nominated you.
  • Nominate some bloggers.
  • Ask them seven questions.

What’s the best book you’ve read in 2019 so far?

Hmm. Tough question. I’ve read a lot of amazing books this year. Some have stuck out more than others, but I can’t honestly say that one of them was the best of the best, because they are all equally amazing for different reasons. One book that really had an effect on me though was The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. This was just so beautiful, and sad, and heartbreakingly painful. I can’t believe that I didn’t want to read this before, because it’s a story that has stuck with me, and I love it so very much.

What is one thing you wish to accomplish before the end of 2019?

My GoodReads goal!! I’m getting there. But there are only what, 10 days left of the month, and I’ve still got 8 books to go!! I think I should just borrow some novellas to help me finish, because at the rate that I’m going with full novels, I’m not going to make it. Please share your novella recommendations in the comments!!

If you celebrate/enjoy Christmas, what’s your favorite Christmas song?

I don’t celebrate Christmas, so I don’t have a favorite song 🙂

What book you wish to receive this Christmas?

Well, as I said above, I don’t celebrate Christmas, but a book I would love to have is The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater. The cover is just so so BEAUTIFUL, and I love it. Honestly, even if I don’t ever re-read it, I still want a physical copy just to stare at and admire.

If you can change one thing about your blog (graphic, title, etc…) what will it be?

Honestly. I’d probably change the whole thing. Title, design, graphics, everything. I really like what I have right now, but sometimes, I wish I had a simple black/gray and white theme so that I could do whatever I wanted. Since I’m stuck with a green-vine-pink flower theme, I feel like I can’t really design photos and posts however I like? I have to keep it in line with what I already have.

But if I changed only one thing right now, it’d probably be the graphics/background.

What are your relations with social networks like Facebook or Instagram?

Lol. I don’t have anything. Just my blog, and GoodReads, and Reedsy. If they can be considered social networks. Which they kind of are I guess.

Favorite hot beverage to drink during winter?

Well, I don’t really drink something specific during any of the seasons. I just drink something. I really like Black tea, with a splash of milk and some sugar. It just tastes so. so. good. If I’m having any hot drinks, that would be it.


Meeghan @ Meeghan Reads | Aelyn @ Aelyn Reads | Evelyn @ Evelyn Reads | Aimee @ My Addiction to Fiction | Aria @ Book Nook Bits | Jane @ Blogger Books | Amelia @ Unchaptered | Alexia @ Right Writing Words

My Questions:

  1. Did you meet any authors this year? If so, which ones?
  2. What were your top 3 books this year?
  3. What’s your most anticipated book for 2020?
  4. Coffee or Tea?
  5. Which underrated book do you love?
  6. What would be your perfect night?
  7. Choose a random question that you’d like to answer.

That’s it friends! Until next time: