400 follower Q&A part 2 | all about food, tv, and books (also, I’m actually at 500+ followers now??)

Hey everyone!! I hope you’re all doing well. Today, I am finally doing part 2 of the 400 follower Q&A. I hit 400 followers back in the summer (July/August I think?) and I asked you guys to ask me some questions to celebrate. I got a bunch of questions, so I decided to split them into 2 posts, the first of which I did at the start of September and is all about blogging.

Now, part 2 is finally here and is going to answer the rest of the questions which are an assortment related to food, TV, and books.

The funny thing is, I actually passed 500 followers a few weeks ago so this is already kind of outdated (lol) but I am so happy to have reached yet another milestone this year. Thank y’all so much, especially since I’ve been a pretty terrible blogger since August so I really appreciate you following and sticking around anyway.

I’m going to break this post up into three sections just so it’s organized. Some of these questions are going to have pretty short answers and others are going to be more long winded, so we’ll see how long this ends up being.

Without further ado, let’s get started!

Continue reading “400 follower Q&A part 2 | all about food, tv, and books (also, I’m actually at 500+ followers now??)”

400 follower Q&A explaining the start of my blog and how it’s grown + post shout-outs (pt. 1 of 2)

What do you guys think???

I’ve done yet another blog redesign, but this time, I actually think it’ll last? I’ve said that every previous time, but let’s ignore that. I’ve been working on all the graphics, and the color scheme since around June, and I’m now finally publishing this! I’m so excited, and I actually really like the look of it, so I hope you guys do too. Let me know in the comments down below!!

And now to the normal intro of this post:

Good morning my dear friends! I hope you have had a fantastic August. It’s so funny how weeks, months, and years fly by so fast, but then days take forever to end. And this lock-down is not helping things.

Nonetheless, hopefully this day will go pretty great since we’re starting it off with a 400 follower Q&A!! I am so happy to have reached this milestone, and I’m so thankful for every single one of you for following my little corner of ramblings and less than awesome designs.

Last week or so, I posted the 400 follower Q&A form for you guys to fill out, and I really appreciate all of you who did!! I’ve got a lot of questions, so I’ve decided to split this Q&A into two, this being the first part all about blogging, and then the next part will be about books, food, and my likes/dislikes.

This is going to be kind of long, so let’s get started!!

Continue reading “400 follower Q&A explaining the start of my blog and how it’s grown + post shout-outs (pt. 1 of 2)”

400 Followers Q&A Form + The Liebster Award #3 // ft. me being unsure as always

Hey everyone!! I hope you guys are doing great! I’m back today with the form for my 400 followers Q&A and my 3rd take on The Liebster Award.

I was tagged for the award back in January by the amazing Jane @ Blogger Books, and in total Rukky fashion, here I am finally doing it 8 months later. Many thanks to Jane for tagging me!! These questions are pretty reflective, so we’ll see how it goes.

But first, be sure to fill out my 400 follower Q&A form so I can do a Q&A!! (it’d be really sad if I get only 3 questions lol) I do have some feedback questions at the start, but none of it is required except the one where you ask me your questions. But I’d appreciate it if you gave your feedback as well! Thank you guys so much! The link is above, and I will include the form itself embedded at the end of this post.

And now, without further ado, let’s get started!

Continue reading “400 Followers Q&A Form + The Liebster Award #3 // ft. me being unsure as always”

Get to know me by my bookish habits and favorites // The Who Am I? Book Tag (round 2)

I’ve already done this before, but I’m still going to do it again.

A lot of things have changed since my first time doing this nearly a year ago (will be exactly a year this Saturday) and I now have some new favorites and possibly a whole new outlook on life, so I’m curious to see how my answers will differ this time around.

Many thanks to the amazing Nikki @ The Night is Dark and Full of Books for tagging me! (and I’m so sorry for taking 6 months to finally do this!!)

Let’s get started!!

Continue reading “Get to know me by my bookish habits and favorites // The Who Am I? Book Tag (round 2)”

Tag Thursday – Blogger Recognition Award

Hey everyone! Welcome back. I hope you’re having a great day. Today I’m going to be doing the Blogger Recognition Award. Many thanks to Emer @ A Little Haze Book Blog for tagging/nominating me!


  1. Thank the blogger/s who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  2. Write a post to show your award.
  3. Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  4. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
  5. Select up to 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to.
  6. Comment (or pingback) on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide the link to the post you created.

How Eternity Books Was Created:

Last year December can you believe that it’s been almost a year?!!!, I decided to put my love of books and writing to use and create a blog where I could talk about them to my hearts content. I had just discovered book blogs and GoodReads the month before, and I also wanted to have my own creative space to do whatever I wanted.

To talk books with people who loved books.

To find new books instead of reading the same old Nancy Drew.

To make friends since I didn’t have any IRL.

I was lonely. Bored.

And having a blog seemed like an excellent way to change that. Actually, it was an excellent way to change that. Now, I have a community of readers, blogger and GR friends, a never ending TBR list, and a place that is all mine that makes me feel happy, (sometimes stressed), understood, and also accepted for who I am.

So thank you so much to everybody who has welcomed me into this beautiful community, recommended and talked books as well as discussed topics with me, and also to everyone who has been following this blog. You all made being a blogger such a fun escape, and I am forever grateful to every single one of you 💚

Two Pieces of Advice:

If you’d like to see more than just two pieces of advice, and not just from me but also from other bloggers, check out my LTB post with advice for newbie bloggers!

#1: Blog for the right reasons

More than likely, you started your blog as a way to relax and have fun. So blog to relax and have fun. Don’t make it a chore that becomes super stressful for you, and don’t be too hard on yourself about anything. We’re all human, and trust me, we all understand. Stuff happens, life happens, and at some point, we’ve all probably been in your shoes. So don’t beat yourself up too much, and remember to blog for the right reasons.

#2: Reach out

I promise, we don’t bite. If there is anything you need help with, or a question that you’d like to ask, or maybe you just want to thank someone for something, don’t be afraid to do so. The book blogging community is super welcoming, and we love to chat. As long as you’re nice and polite, you are probably going to get an equally amazing response.


Jane @ Blogger Books | Donna’s Reading Chair | Caitlin @ Caitlin Althea | Aimee @ My Addiction to Fiction | Veronika @ Wordy and Whimsical | YOU

As always, no pressure if you don’t want to do the tag, and if you’d like to do the tag and I haven’t tagged you, go right ahead! Be sure to link back here so I can see your post 🙂