NCIS LA Book Tag | aka me doing a tag for a show I've never watched

Hola! Buenos días!! How are you guys? Hope you’re having a semi-fantastic week what with all the things going on in this wonderful world.

Today, I’m doing the NCIS LA book tag, which the wonderful and lovely Meeghan @ Meeghan Reads tagged me to do in December of last year. (at least it wasn’t november like i thought?) This is utterly horrible and I can’t believe that I slacked off on tags so much. But I’m finally doing this, so yay!!

I’ve actually kind of watched NCIS, because my grandmother I think used to watch it, so I’d catch bits and pieces here and there. But I’ve never watched a full episode, so I don’t think that really counts as watching.

Maybe this will increase my interest in it once again!

Check out the original creator Clo @ Cuppa Clo‘s blog, and thank you so much Meegs for tagging me!! Let’s get started!

Callen – A Mysterious Character Who You’d Like To Get To Know Better

Razel. So originally my reaction was, “I tried to understand and see some good in Razel, but she’s a devil who has no heart”.

And I still do think that, but I want to understand why. I want to know the full story behind her intense hatred and why she shuns her son so much.

She’s elusive. She’s cruel. She’s basically heartless, but there are a few cases where they mention [spoiler] and so, it makes me want to know the old Razel and what really caused her to become this horrendous woman that she is today.

I’ll probably still hate her, but I still would like to know lol.

Sam – A Character You Can Depend On In An Apocalypse

Khalila Saif. She’s calm, cool, level headed, and prepared. She’s also super kind and will be everything you’ll ever need during an apocalypse. or a global pandemic that’s resulting in quarantines and people going nuts over toilet paper

She may not be the best at fighting but she’s strategic and knows how to research and plan. She’s super fierce and passionate and will fight if she has to. Honestly, I would just want to be with her to get to know her better since the book didn’t really focus on the side characters as much.

Deeks – A Fluffy Contemporary Set By The Beach


I don’t think I’ve read any book set by the beach. Ok wait, Scorpio Races could count I guess, and I Found You as well. But a fluffy contemporary? Nope, haven’t really done so.

I haven’t read that many contemporaries tbh, and I have a lot of them on my TBR, so I should probably get around to reading some.

Kensi – A Book With Badass Female Characters

Let’s feature a different book today: With The Fire on High.

Emoni and Buela are a different kind of awesome heroines. They don’t go around brandishing swords or guns or becoming Queens by just being ridiculously awesome and terrifying. They are normal and caring people with a much different kind of awesomeness.

Emoni tries to always be responsible and loving, while still struggling with being a mother and a teenager who wants to have fun in life and follow her dreams. She doesn’t go around beating people up, but she’s still amazing and totally badass when it comes to balancing her life and taking care of the people close to her.

Buela raised her own son and her granddaughter (Emoni) after she was left in her care. When Emoni got pregnant and had Babygirl, she sacrificed some more to help Emoni raise that beautiful and sweet child. She’s helping to raise three generations, and not once did she have a chance to stop being a mother. That’s just beyond and her sacrifice and power to still stand tall is amazing.

Eric – A Character Who Is An Essential Part Of A Team

*takes a deep breath*

ALTAIR AL-BADAWI. I’m in love with that guy. He’s awesome, he’s hilarious, he’s the most annoying, talkative, inappropriate, and obnoxious pain in the you-know-where, but this book (and their team) would 100% fail without him.

He’s so essential, and I love that guy to death. It’s extremely frustrating because he never. stops. talking. yet I don’t think I could have finished the book without his wonderful self keeping this hilarious at all times 🥺🥺

Nell – A Character Who Is Great With Tech

Zofia from The Gilded Wolves.

It’s not like she’s great with tech like that, but she’s awesome in a lab and with mathematics. So if she had advanced technology, I can totally see her being a pro at it.

And well the gadgets and stuff that they use in the book could probably be considered advanced tech already. So yeah.

Hetty – A Morally Grey Character Who You Adore

My mind is currently screaming either Kaz or Jude, but I’m also currently on a mission to try and not include books that I talk about all the time. So today, let’s talk about Victor Vale.

Victor is probably morally black and not morally grey, but there is still some good in him. He’s very much an anti-hero, and I can understand where he’s coming from and why he’s doing the things he does. And I just love the fact that I sympathize and care for him, even if he’s kind of the bad guy.

I guess I like him because he’s the much lesser of two evils. And I could never care about Eli. Nuh uh. Sorry bro.

Granger – A Character/Book You Didn’t Like At First But They/It Grew On You

I can’t think of any right now though I’m pretty sure there are several books/characters that fit this criteria. Everything’s just getting muddled in my head. So I’m going to switch this around and talk about a character who started out great, and then went absolutely downhill from there.

Ahh. Audrey Rose.

She went from okay, to UGH within 3 books. And I’m so frustrated, and you’ve all probably heard this a few hundred times, but she did Thomas dirty. She doesn’t deserve him tbh.

Audrey Rose is so hypocritical and she just can’t seem to see how much Thomas Cresswell cares about her because she’s too busy with the mystery of Mephisto’s mask. And instead of her solving the mystery, she’s too busy ditching her partner and getting into ~situations~ with the enigmatic and mysterious and awesome Mephistopheles. Oh, and somehow sugar-coating all her horrid actions by [spoiler] is NOT going to make me forget that you didn’t apologize or that you borderline cheated on my beloved Thomas.

How she went from okay to my #1 hated character is amazing. Truly is. Thomas deserves so. much. better. and I hate how the last book ended. I wouldn’t trust Audrey with anything, especially not that amazing and kind super sweet boy.

#Densi – A Ship You Will Shriek About Until Your Lungs Give Out

Looks like I’ll have to give in now. Sigh. I tried!

I LOVE all the ships, romantic and platonic, in Six of Crows. Every single last one is a treasure, and that team of 6 deadly and beautiful characters is going to kill me with the sheer amount of love I’m pumping from my heart on a regular basis.

That sounds a lot more horrible than it did in my head. But you get the picture.

The friendships are beautiful, the banter is everything, all the ships created in this book are magnificent and I will shriek about all of them collectively until the end of time.


Of course, no pressure if you don’t want to do the tag!!

Aria @ Book Nook Bits | Aimee @ My Addiction to Fiction | Syl @ Books and Coffee

Caitlin @ Caitlin Althea | May @ My 1st Chapter | Kay @ Hammock of Books

Dani @ Literary Lion | Evelyn @ Evelyn Reads | Kerys @ The Everlasting Library

So, that’s it folks!! Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you all have a great day!

Have you read any of these books? What did you think? Any recommendations for a fluffy contemporary set on the beach? Who are some of your favorite characters? Chat with me in the comments below!!

23 thoughts on “NCIS LA Book Tag | aka me doing a tag for a show I've never watched

  1. hahhah i never watched NCIS either, so i have no idea what the show is about but i enjoyed reading this post anyways

    ohhh that’s a really interesting pick for a character you’d like to get to know better. the cruel characters sometimes have the best backstory. i really wanted to read ‘storm crow’ before but now IM SUPER interested in it

    khalila sounds so cool 🥺 the more i hear about the series the more i realize i have to kick myself to READ IT. ALTAIR AL BADAWI MY HABIBI!!! HE’S SUCH AN OBNOXIOUS IDIOT HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE HIM??? what a baby, protect him at all costs

    victor is literally the best choice for a morally grey character. i really loved the way his story was told, i was able to sympathize with him but also see that his actions can also be evil. i loved reading this tag so much!! thank you for tagging i can’t wait to do it!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad you did!!

      They do have the best backstories, and yess I hope you enjoy it!! It’s pretty good, even if some parts are typical YA fantasy 🙂

      *chants* Read it! Read it!! Read it!!! Okay, lol, I’ll stop. But do read it! I’ve read the first two and Khalila is awesome! Tell me about it!! Altair was the best character in that book 😭😭😍😍

      True, it’s awesome how I like Victor, when he’s kind of literally just as bad as Eli (kind of!! Not totally 😅) Anti-heros and morally grey characters are honestly the best.

      You’re welcome!! Can’t wait to see your post ❤✨

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for tagging me, Rukky!! Weirdly, I’ve never heard of this show LMAO. 😅
    OMG I *need* to read With the Fire On High and We Hunt the Flame 🥺 I own physical copies of both of them, and they’re *beautiful*. WTFOH is actually on my March TBR, and I’m hoping that I can squeeze it into the last few days of March!
    Victor Vale!! omg, he’s basically adult Kaz I love it. And i love that you referred to him as the lesser of two evils, because that’s exactly what he is 🥺 Also, Kanej has my heart :(( One of my fave couples ever. I’ve never read about a relationship quite like Kaz and Inej’s ❤❤❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome!! Haha, I guess it’s not as popular as I thought 😂
      Yes you really do!!! They are truly beautiful and their insides are just as amazing. Though WHTF is a lot slower-think SoC. Honestly, those two books are pretty similar.
      I hope you’re able to read WTFOH!
      That’s the perfect description of him!! I can’t believe I didn’t think of that! He is so so so an adult version of Kaz. All the similarities are now screaming at me 😂😂
      Aww, they are the best. I love how Kaz didn’t magically change/get over his PTSD at the end of CK. That was just so perfect ❤✨ SoC was pretty much perfect 😍

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve never seen NCS either but I loved reading your answers! My TBR has grown immensely but HUGE yes to six of crows!! Thank you for the tag, this looks so fun!!


  4. Thanks for tagging me! Liken to you I also haven’t watched the series but still intersted in doing this. Great to hear about some more great reads. Also, I now have Six of Crows so am excited to start reading!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thanks for the tag! I haven;t watched the show either, maybe a random episode when there was nothing else on TV haha! But still interested in doing this one!


    Liked by 1 person

  6. I’ve never seen that show, but it looks like a fun tag to do. Thank you so much for tagging me!!! I definitely agree with you on Zofia though. She definitely fits that so well!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. First I thought, Cool, NCIS! I used to watch that every week for seasons on end! And then I saw LA and I have no idea who those people are. Not one bit. Never seen it.
    Anyway, that’s a great collection of books. Good to see that there is another person on this planet that also isn’t too fond of Audrey Rose. Then again, I didn’t like Thomas either. He just didn’t seem very earnest too me. Then again again, I decided not to read any of the other books after the first one, so maybe I just don’t have enough input. I should really write that review.
    Sorry, I’m just kinda spitballing here. It’s a great post anyway. I hope you feel less stressed by now. How are your migranes?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, yeah, I think there are different like “divisions”? Like CSI Miami and New York, idk lol.

      I think Thomas definitely got better through-out the series. Or I might just be heavily biased because I think I always liked Thomas from the start 😂 I also initially liked AR, but oh. no. no. no. I can’t with her anymore at all. Someone on Goodreads mentioned that this series was really bipolar, like each book constantly flipped back and forth between being awesome and horrible, and that’s honestly the best description for this series lol

      Haha, thanks!! I’m feeling better thank you so much. That means a lot 💖 Migraines seem to be staying away and hopefully it will stay that way!

      Happy reading & stay safe ❤


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