Tag Thursday – The Real Neat Blog Award

I’m a very neat person. Well, most of the times.

You see, I try to keep my desk and room clean a good 95% of the time, but you know, it gets messy, and it takes time, and then sometimes I don’t really care have time. However the award could actually mean real neat, as in real cool?? In that case, I don’t know. I think I am kind of cool…

Anyways, thank you so much to Diana @ Fortunately, the Book for nominating me! Be sure to check out her lovely blog!!

P.S. I know it’s not Thursday, but let’s pretend it is 😉


  • Display the Award Logo.
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and post a link to their blog.
  • Answer the questions of the one who nominated you.
  • Nominate some bloggers.
  • Ask them seven questions.

What’s the best book you’ve read in 2019 so far?

Hmm. Tough question. I’ve read a lot of amazing books this year. Some have stuck out more than others, but I can’t honestly say that one of them was the best of the best, because they are all equally amazing for different reasons. One book that really had an effect on me though was The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. This was just so beautiful, and sad, and heartbreakingly painful. I can’t believe that I didn’t want to read this before, because it’s a story that has stuck with me, and I love it so very much.

What is one thing you wish to accomplish before the end of 2019?

My GoodReads goal!! I’m getting there. But there are only what, 10 days left of the month, and I’ve still got 8 books to go!! I think I should just borrow some novellas to help me finish, because at the rate that I’m going with full novels, I’m not going to make it. Please share your novella recommendations in the comments!!

If you celebrate/enjoy Christmas, what’s your favorite Christmas song?

I don’t celebrate Christmas, so I don’t have a favorite song 🙂

What book you wish to receive this Christmas?

Well, as I said above, I don’t celebrate Christmas, but a book I would love to have is The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater. The cover is just so so BEAUTIFUL, and I love it. Honestly, even if I don’t ever re-read it, I still want a physical copy just to stare at and admire.

If you can change one thing about your blog (graphic, title, etc…) what will it be?

Honestly. I’d probably change the whole thing. Title, design, graphics, everything. I really like what I have right now, but sometimes, I wish I had a simple black/gray and white theme so that I could do whatever I wanted. Since I’m stuck with a green-vine-pink flower theme, I feel like I can’t really design photos and posts however I like? I have to keep it in line with what I already have.

But if I changed only one thing right now, it’d probably be the graphics/background.

What are your relations with social networks like Facebook or Instagram?

Lol. I don’t have anything. Just my blog, and GoodReads, and Reedsy. If they can be considered social networks. Which they kind of are I guess.

Favorite hot beverage to drink during winter?

Well, I don’t really drink something specific during any of the seasons. I just drink something. I really like Black tea, with a splash of milk and some sugar. It just tastes so. so. good. If I’m having any hot drinks, that would be it.


Meeghan @ Meeghan Reads | Aelyn @ Aelyn Reads | Evelyn @ Evelyn Reads | Aimee @ My Addiction to Fiction | Aria @ Book Nook Bits | Jane @ Blogger Books | Amelia @ Unchaptered | Alexia @ Right Writing Words

My Questions:

  1. Did you meet any authors this year? If so, which ones?
  2. What were your top 3 books this year?
  3. What’s your most anticipated book for 2020?
  4. Coffee or Tea?
  5. Which underrated book do you love?
  6. What would be your perfect night?
  7. Choose a random question that you’d like to answer.

That’s it friends! Until next time:

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