Tag Thursday – The NOPE Book Tag

Hi there! Welcome to Tag Thursday where I scour the internet and all things bookish to find interesting ‘quizzes’ to answer so that you get to know more about me and my blog.

Today’s tag is The NOPE Book Tag. I found it @ Sincerely Karenjo, and it seems super fun!

Let’s dive in!

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

NOPE. ending: A book ending that made you go NOPE either in denial, rage or simply because the ending was crappy. Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. Does this count, cause even though I DNF’d, I still hunted to find out what happened at the end and NOPE, that was a disgustingly crappy ending.

The Conspiracy of Us by Maggie Hall

NOPE. protagonist: A main character you dislike and drives you crazy. Whatshername Avery is such a terrible and unbelievable main character. She meets two random guys, one who pulls a knife on her and tries to kidnap her, the other supposed ‘to be her savior’ whom she trusts after exchanging literally about five to ten sentences with. This ‘savior’ then tells her to go with the guy that pulled a knife on her to France. FRANCE. FRANCE! AND SHE WENT WITH HIM WITHOUT TELLING A SOUL! Until she got there, then she says (not a direct quote), “Oh, maybe I should have told Mom. Can I have a phone?”

NOPE. N. O. P. E.

The Conspiracy of Us by Maggie Hall
Map of Fates by Maggie Hall
The Ends of the World by Maggie Hall

NOPE. series: A series that turned out to be a huge pile of nope after you’ve invested all of that time and energy on it. Well, I skipped book two, and went to book three to find out what happened. (why do I always have to know what happens?) The ending of it all was still a huge NOPE.

SYLO by D.J. MacHale

NOPE. pairing: A “ship” you don’t support. If I had to pick one, it would be Tucker and Olivia in SYLO by D.J. MacHale. They don’t mix. They can’t be together, no matter what. Tucker and Tori, I can swallow, but Tucker and Olivia is a railroad disaster. It’s riding an express train into a mountain on the fastest speed.

The Gilded Cage by Lucinda Gray

NOPE. plot twist: A twist you didn’t see coming and didn’t like. The Gilded Cage by Lucinda Gray. That ending. It was a mess, and the ‘plot twist’ was, a mess?? Review here.

NOPE. genre: A genre you will never read. Romance. It’s not my cup of tea.

NOPE. book format: A book format you hate and avoid buying until it comes out in a different edition. Audiobooks. The few narrators that I’ve listened to were mostly awful in my opinion. I prefer Ebooks or Hardback.

NOPE. trope: A trope that makes you go NOPE. Love triangles. Why does this even exist?! Most of the time they are used awfully, and then there is romantic suspense that I could do without, and flipping back and forth between two people…… 😒

NOPE. recommendation: A book recommendation that is constantly pushed at you, that you simply refuse to read. I don’t know. Nobody’s recommending a book that I’m pushing away. It’s just that I’m not reading super hyped books or books that ‘everyone has read’.

NOPE. cliché: A cliché or writing pet peeve that always makes you roll your eyes. The ‘two types’ of girls: one that is super girly, loves shopping, mani/pedicures or the kick-ass girl who wears all black, is allergic to girly stuff and all that. Oh, and the terrorist guys that have Arab names. That is wrong, not fair, and is used too many times.

Does My Head Look Big in This? by Randa Abdel Fattah

NOPE. love interest: A love interest that’s not worthy of being one. Adam from Does My Head Look Big in This? He’s kind of rude, and I was seriously mad at him towards the end of the book when all of a sudden he didn’t understand Amal’s religion. That was really mean.

Rebels: City of Indra by Kendall and Kylie Jenner

NOPE. book: A book that shouldn’t have existed. Uh, I’m not sure so I’m going to pick the one that Karen Jo picked. I mean, hello???? When did THEY write a book? And a sci-fi dystopian novel no less. Oh, and it has a sequel! WHAT???!!!

Under what rock was I when this happened?

Brigands M.C. by Robert Muchamore

NOPE. villain: A villain you would hate to cross. The Führer from Brigands M.C. by Robert Muchamore. That guy is ruthless. He even uses the name Hitler used to call himself. He killed a whole family, minus two for his own selfish gains.

I do not want to face his wrath. Ever.

NOPE. death: A character death that still haunts you. Thankfully, I don’t think I’ve experienced a character die. Almost died, yes, but actual death of a character that I love, no.

All Dressed in White by Mary Higgins Clark & Alafair Burke

NOPE. author: An author you had a bad experience reading and have decided to quit. Mary Higgins Clark. I really expected a book full of serious suspense since she is the ‘Queen of Suspense’, but the books didn’t live up to my expectations, so I’m putting any MHC books on the back burner for now.

That’s it friends! I tag:

Ashley | Kim | Ella | Umairah | Emily | Chaima | Meeghan | Jennifer | Sarah | Kym | Chris | Inga | Rachel | And You!

*If I’ve tagged you and you’ve already done the tag, I’m sorry I missed it but link up in the comments anyway so I can check it out! And you don’t have to do the tag if you don’t want to!

15 thoughts on “Tag Thursday – The NOPE Book Tag

  1. Hey, girl! Thanks for tagging me 🙂 I really enjoyed reading your thoughts on this one. I will definitely put mine up on the blog soon. Also, I didn’t think I would ever see a book that was authored by Kendall and Kylie. I actually had to process that in my brain for a while lol! That book cover though – is it just me or does that look like one of Tahereh Mafi’s Shatter Me books?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome ❤ And I know! I had to go search online because I just didn’t believe it.
      And that’s what I was thinking, it does look like Tahereh Mafi’s books!


  2. Thanks for tagging me! I haven’t done any tag on my blog yet, and this looks fun, also, I don’t have answers for all of these questions yet… I must say that you are lucky that you haven’t experienced a beloved character’s death. I have had a few that just shattered my heart in pieces, which were hard to put back together. I’ll leave the link for my answers, when I get around and do this cool tag 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome! It is a fun tag and I hope you enjoy doing it. And I agree, I’m super lucky to not have experienced one of my favorite characters die. I’d probably die alongside them from grief…

      Liked by 1 person

  3. What a fun tag! (I’ll catch up soon!) I’m sorry to hear about your dislike for audiobooks but understand that a narrator can make or break an experience. I rely on them so I’m really open on how bad it is before I need to pick up the eBook instead.

    Liked by 1 person

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