ARC Review: Deceived // an average but enjoyable read

This review is unfortunately a week late. These past three weeks have been eventful, to say the least, with finals, Eid, and some family events all taking place right after another.

But I’m back and starting off the month with a review of a new mystery novel by Mary Keliikoa. This book started off a little weak, but by the end, I was pretty interested in the resolution and was curious as to who the true bad guy would end up being.

A couple of disclaimers: there are no spoilers in this review; I was given a copy of this book in exchange for a review, however, all opinions and thoughts are my own.

Without further ado, let’s get started!

Continue reading “ARC Review: Deceived // an average but enjoyable read”

ARC Review: Queen of the Tiles // my most anticipated read of 2022 has become a new favorite

I am so so so happy that this book didn’t disappoint.

Y’all know I was completely freaking out when I found out that there was going to be a Malaysian Muslim main character solving a potential murder mystery. I was dying to get this book, and my friends and family can attest to that since they were subjected to my endless frantic screaming.

I actually contacted the publisher (my first time ever doing so btw! yay for new experiences!!) and very professionally, kindly, but totally begged asked them for an ARC of the book.

and I got it.

*cue intense hysterical laugh-crying, jumping up and down, and lots of squealing*

I’m not being extra nor am I exaggerating; that was my actual physical IRL reaction when they said yes. There are so many firsts tied to this book for me: first YA mystery book I’m seeing with a Muslim main character, set somewhere that’s not a US boarding/highschool, first time I directly contacted a publisher asking for an ARC, first time getting approved for a book that I personally requested, and also the first time that I actually literally freaked out and physically fangirled when I received the copy.

My family was staring at me in shock because I have never ever shown that much excitement for anything in my life. And once I calmed down enough to write a coherent and very professional reply, all the fear and doubt came crashing in.

What if after all this anticipation and excitement, I didn’t like the book?

So I didn’t read it. For two months. Partly because I was afraid of being disappointed, and partly because of my somewhat reading slump. Mostly though, I was so nervous I wouldn’t enjoy it.

But I did. And I am so thankful and so happy that I did.

Before I get into the full review, here are a couple of disclaimers: there are no spoilers in this review; I was given a copy of this book in exchange for a review, however, all opinions and thoughts are my own.

Without further ado, let’s get started!

Continue reading “ARC Review: Queen of the Tiles // my most anticipated read of 2022 has become a new favorite”

ARC Review: The Half-Life of Ruby Fielding // a WWII historical fiction novel with a twist of mystery

The title of this post is kind of boring, but I’m not exactly sure how to describe my feelings regarding this book.

In summary, it was just good. I enjoyed the mystery aspect of this a lot, and it was interesting to see the complicated relationships between all the characters. However, I didn’t come away with strong feelings of either loving or disliking it. It’s just a decent, and interesting book.

I’m going to try and talk about what I enjoyed and didn’t when it came to the plot and characters, and maybe doing that will help me explain why it was just a good book overall, and not amazing/awesome as I’d been expecting.

Some disclaimers: All spoilers will be in dropdowns, so you may skip them if you like. I was given a copy of this book in exchange for a review, however all opinions and thoughts are my own.

Without further ado, let’s get started.

Continue reading “ARC Review: The Half-Life of Ruby Fielding // a WWII historical fiction novel with a twist of mystery”

Let’s Talk Bookish: It’s Time for a Change

I think that every person has a moment in life when they’re ready to let go of something that once meant a lot to them, and start over with something new.

I’ve reached that moment.

And that’s why I’ve decided that it’s time for my role with Let’s Talk Bookish to end.

Continue reading “Let’s Talk Bookish: It’s Time for a Change”

Updating Old Content & Reviews – Let’s Talk Bookish

I’m actually combining the topics from last week (updating old content) and February 18 (changing book ratings/reviews).

Of course, I didn’t post this last week or feb 18, and since I have nothing much to say about this week’s topic (buying secondhand books), I thought I should tackle two birds with one stone and go over two of the topics that I missed.

If you’re new:

Let’s Talk Bookish is a weekly meme where we discuss certain topics, share our opinions, and spread the love by visiting each other’s posts. Today’s topic is about buying secondhand books. Join in on this meme by writing your own discussion on the topic, and sharing your link down in the comments below.

Again, as I am not a book buyer, I don’t have an opinion on buying secondhand books. But thank you nonetheless to Hasini @ Bibliosini for suggesting the topic.

Without further ado, let’s get started!

Continue reading “Updating Old Content & Reviews – Let’s Talk Bookish”